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Just getting started

This will be the future home, and store front for Cow Creations – the wonderful things designed and made by Heather Carroll. Please enjoy the images we have up, as the rest of the site comes together.

Where the inspiration comes from…

4 thoughts on “Just getting started

  1. Looks great Heather! I’ll forward to friends when you are set up..

    1. Thanks! I’m excited it’s coming together

  2. I just saw a purchase in my bank a/c for- 8/23/22 in the amount of $25.00.. I ca n’t recall ever purchasing anything fro m your site. Please advise. ty

    1. Hi I looked and I don’t show any transactions on my end for $25 or any amount. I will have my tech guy look farther into but I don’t have any transactions. There are a few other “cow creation” similar sites. Please let me know if you find out anymore about this charge on your end. Thank you

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